Since my early days at the University of Massachusetts Amherst, I have been fascinated with the natural world around us. As I studied chemistry and the other physical sciences I became more aware of what we as a species were doing to this beautiful world. Since then I have developed a fervent desire to do what I can to fight man-made climate change personally and to involve myself in activism for and communications about what governments, businesses, and the rest of the world can do to preserve a clean, healthy planet for our children. I am certainly no scientist but I have spent a lifetime as a professional writer/communicator, first as a daily newspaper journalist and then 25 years as a senior communicator writing/talking about complex science and technical topics for Verizon. And I read about climate change … a lot. I follow distinguished, world-leading climate change scientists like Dr. Michael Mann of Penn State University. When he’s not researching, speaking, or writing on the topic, he’s waging a fact-based, often entertaining war on social media, debunking those who spread lies and wacky conspiracy theories about climate change. I’d follow him on Twitter, if you use that platform. Please feel free to write to me to ask questions, offer comments, or add to the discussion. I’d love to hear from you! Come back to this page from time to time because I’ll be posting more about the topic; book reviews, helpful articles, some of my own experiences, and links to scientific research. As many scientists and others say, there is no Plan(et) B. Let’s work together to save this one.