The creative link between science writing and art: The ‘Story’

Whether communicating about the complex world of science or using art to illustrate life in America, the “story” is what matters. The connection between two vastly different worlds struck me a few weeks ago as award-winning science journalist  Ed Yong stood before a University at Albany audience. As he shared with listeners his approach to selecting topics and then writing articles about 21st century science, the slide he projected behind him spoke volumes: “Stories Matter.” In a world bursting at the seams with scientific data and research results, The Atlantic magazine writer argued, any journalist attempting to gain…

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Viewing 20th century America through Norman Rockwell’s eyes

Before he passed away in 1978, famed illustrator Norman Rockwell offered the “secret” behind how he crafted his amazing paintings: “I love to tell stories in pictures,” he explains in a biographical video at the Norman Rockwell Museum in Stockbridge, Mass. He adds that what he was trying to do wasn’t “fine art.” His legions of fans would probably disagree. “The story is the first thing and the last thing,” he concludes. A visitor to the wonderful museum dedicated to Rockwell’s life and work doesn’t really need to hear those words. Each…

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Driving U.S. Route 1 from Northern Maine to Key West; a new book

During the summer of 2014, I embarked on a solo drive that had roots stretching all the way back to epic road trips with my family as we followed my Air Force father on assignments here and abroad. In late-June 2014, I set out from my home in upstate New York to drive the entire length of U.S. Route 1 from remote, forested northern Maine to artsy, bucolic Key West. As it snakes along the East Coast for over 2,400 miles, this famous -- but somewhat ignored -- highway winds through some…

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Actions speak louder than words; Starbucks and crisis communications

Below is my Op Ed on the Starbucks arrest matter in Philadelphia, and how the company handled it. This column originally appeared April 27, 2018, in the Daily Gazette in Schenectady, N.Y.  (Photo credit: AdWeek) ------------------ Starbucks Backs it Words With Actions Actions speak louder than words. Just ask Starbucks about the value of this old adage. The large coffee house company is driving home a lesson many of us learned when we were young. To learn about responsibility and accountability, teachers, mentors, parents, and others employed this old saying to help…

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Cutting the cable TV cord: Our experience

(photo credit above: AARP) We reached the end of our rope with cable TV in December. It seemed that every month our bill from Spectrum (or Time Warner or's pretty confusing) was higher. When we asked about it, we were basically told that rates were going up, and would continue to increase to $200 per month later this year. That's a lot for a family that buys the basic cable TV package with one set-top box, phone and internet access. We don't buy any premium services like Showtime or HBO. The…

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