Read more about the article Descending Into Liverpool to discover The Beatles’ origins
L-R: Joe Lahiff, Phil Santoro, Ed Torres, and me, Mark Marchand

Descending Into Liverpool to discover The Beatles’ origins

As Joe and I walk into the vestibule of a rather ordinary house, Phil follows quickly and closes the house door behind us. The front door is already shut, so we're temporarily sealed in a confined space. Phil starts to lead us in an a cappella version of the early Beatles song, "I Saw Her Standing There." "Well, she was just 17 You know what I mean And the way she looked was way beyond compare So how could I dance with another (Ooh) When I saw her standing there..." We trail…

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Social media and web ramblings; part deux

Several months ago I posted some personal observations of "worst practices" when it comes to using social media and the World Wide Web. I try to keep up with trends in this space as part of my overall writing/consulting work, and teaching as an adjunct professor in the Journalism Department at the University at Albany (SUNY). Social media and use of the Web has moved front and center when it comes to communication in a 21st century world filled with myriad ways to instantly send and obtain information. My first post tried…

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Helpful (hopefully) social media ramblings

Did you ever wonder why so few people read your posts and/or tweets? The use of social media can be an inexact science, and more of an art. But there are a few basic tips that will help. Below is one man's opinion (not the results of some academic or empirical study) I thought I'd share with followers and friends. My role as an adjunct professor in the Journalism Program at the University at Albany, where I teach courses in public relations writing and crisis communications, forces me to keep abreast of…

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