Read more about the article My new book: An homage to flying airplanes
Book cover by artist Deanna Gallaro.

My new book: An homage to flying airplanes

From 1995 to 2013 I flew airplanes, a lot. Aviation was my side hustle as I pursued a busy career in public relations at Verizon. Between my basic private pilot training through epic flights across North America I recorded close to 900 hours of flying. My decision to take flying lessons was the realization of a dream I’d had since my youth, especially growing up on Air Force bases where I saw airplanes every day. This included the massive, majestic B52 bombers. Each time I took a lesson, learned how to fly…

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Read more about the article Book Review: A photographic tour of one of the world’s greatest minds
Cover of the new book on Albert Einstein's life: "Einstein - The Man And HIs Mind."

Book Review: A photographic tour of one of the world’s greatest minds

    By Mark Marchand If you stare long enough into his eyes in the many photographs of the man, you might begin to see faint images of atoms splitting … light waves being bent by the sun’s gravity … equations rolling by … a man descending in an elevator … or even musical notes dancing across a staff. This man is Albert Einstein, who peers at us from a new collection of photographs taken over a lifetime during which his “thought experiments” and other work shook the foundations of physics and…

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Read more about the article A library and opera house on the international frontier
Sitting directly on top of the U.S.-Canada border in northern Vermont, the Haskell Free Library and Opera House has been serving readers, visitors, and show-goers for over a century.

A library and opera house on the international frontier

Visiting the only library that sits atop an international border. The Haskell Free Library and Opera House sits directly on the U.S.-Canada border in northern Vermont.

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Read more about the article New book: A novel involving two of the 20th century’s most important events
The cover of my new novel (Created by Deanna Gallaro)

New book: A novel involving two of the 20th century’s most important events

This week I published my first novel, and second book. Now available as an ebook and paperback on Amazon, the story involves two of the 20th century’s most important events: the assassination of President John F. Kennedy and NASA’s successful manned Moon-landing program. “The Answer From Surveyor 3” is a tense, suspenseful mystery surrounding the real story of those two events. The tale starts by asking the question: What if someone were accidentally present when Oswald fired those fatal shots from the sixth floor of the Texas School Book Depository in Dallas?…

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Read more about the article Into the wild blue yonder …
Next to the Mooney 201 aircraft I flew for over 10 years as part of the Scotia Flyers club in Schenectady, N.Y. I had just landed in Saranac Lake, N.Y.

Into the wild blue yonder …

This is the first time I post about flying airplanes: one of my passions. I flew for over 20 years after earning my private pilot's license in 1996. I'm including the first chapter of a book I'm writing about my experience learning to fly, and the adventures I had aloft over the next 20 years.

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