Read more about the article Why we need local journalism more than ever
The panel at the Times-Union of Albany HQ Nov. 15, 2023 (l-R: Kenneth C. Crowe II, Casey Seiler, Jon Schleuss, Judy Patrick, Margaret Sullivan, Mark Vinciguerra, and NY Assemblywoman Carrie Woerner.)

Why we need local journalism more than ever

When Virginia became the 10th and final necessary state to ratify the Bill of Rights on Dec. 15, 1791, those founding fathers probably didn’t realize that 232 years later part of the first of those 10 constitutional amendments would still be so important … yet struggling to thrive. Throughout our nation’s history, freedom of the press has been a firm guidepost for our country and how the news media can and should be used to hold governments and others accountable to American citizens. And while this fundamental right has survived many threats…

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Commentary: Don’t mistake tweeting for activism

(Editor's note: This commentary I wrote appeared in the Times-Union daily newspaper of Albany, N.Y. on April 11, 2023) Sub-head: After a tragedy like a mass shooting, we post, share and break out the sad emoji. That's fine — but if we want things to change we can't stop there. Mark Marchand April 11, 2023 Has social media “venting” replaced meaningful action? The posts, reactions and tweets start within seconds after the latest tragedy. Within hours, the posts pick up speed, galloping through the Wild West that is social media. The latest…

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Read more about the article Climate change in social media: One man’s pursuit of truth
Melting in the waters around Antarctica

Climate change in social media: One man’s pursuit of truth

Each crisis of our 21st century world gives birth to new “warriors” who use truth and science to help us safely navigate calamities. Our ongoing pandemic is a prime example. Out of the chaos of a muddled anti-science leadership effort in 2020 emerged dedicated scientists, researchers, and companies who swiftly developed vaccines that are saving millions of lives and slowing COVID-19’s spread. And of course, there are our doctors, nurses, and other healthcare workers who fought valiantly against the rising tide of infections. Where would we be without them? As the pandemic…

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Social media and web ramblings; part deux

Several months ago I posted some personal observations of "worst practices" when it comes to using social media and the World Wide Web. I try to keep up with trends in this space as part of my overall writing/consulting work, and teaching as an adjunct professor in the Journalism Department at the University at Albany (SUNY). Social media and use of the Web has moved front and center when it comes to communication in a 21st century world filled with myriad ways to instantly send and obtain information. My first post tried…

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